XXV No. 31 August 05, 2001 |
CPC : A Synonym For History Of Sacrifices
L B Gangadhara Rao
THE Communist Party of China (CPC) is celebrating its 80th anniversary of its formation. Really, it is an occasion that inspires all progressive people and peace lovers across the world. The Chinese revolution has been one of the greatest achievements of humanity. The reason for this is the special place China occupies, as one of the oldest civilisations and as the most populous country.
On the other hand, if Chinas history is examined, it becomes evident that the Chinese people were bleeded all the time by foreign forces and indigenous reactionaries. At different stages in the history of China various imperialist countries - America, Britain and Japan, created their influential areas within China and continued their exploitation. As there was no development of any centralised administrative set-up, repression by the local war-lords also continued side by side. All this made that country lag far behind. To the world which considered the Chinese people as slaves of opium, their subsequent revolutionary achievements caused immense surprise. Leading the revolution, overcoming several ups and downs, the communist leadership was the cause for the emergence of China as one of the most prominent economic and political forces in the world today. Though several communist parties dissolved themselves and changed colours after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Chinese Party stood firm, refusing to move away from the basic system of socialism. That is why communist parties in various countries of the world have had to learn lessons from China, then and even now.
Liberation from foreign forces, establishment of socialism, standing firm overcoming the chaos of the period of cultural revolution, economic reforms and unification of Hong Kong and Macavu with China are all the results of the unique policies of the Communist Party of China. That it achieved such great victories, even in unfavourable world conditions, shows how strong its foundations have been.
The Communist Party of China, which started with just 50 members in Shanghai in 1921, today has a membership of 6.5 crore. From the beginning it grew amidst severe repressions and bans. In 1921 it mainly took up the anti-colonial and anti-feudal tasks. It had overcome the earlier limited scope of activities of Koumintang. It conducted hundreds of struggles of the workers. That way China brought about change in the very nature of revolution. By 1926-27, the revolution entered anti-capitalist and anti-feudal phase. It took up movements for mobilisation of the people throughout the country. In the beginning the communists worked together with Chinas democratic leader Sun Et Sen. However, with Chiang Kai Shek coming to power after the death of Sun Et Sen, the situation underwent drastic change. Giving up earlier understanding, Chiang Kai Shek resorted to repression and massacre of communists. He was not prepared even for collective fight against the Japanese imperialists. At such a time in 1937 two commanders, working under him, took him as a captive at Siyan and called the communist leaders. Chou En Lai who went there, discussed with Chiang Kai Shek and made him agree to work together with the communists. That Chiang Kai Shek after a short period resorted to backstabbing that understanding was a different matter.
The tactics of united front are an important aspect in the uniqueness of the Communist Party of China. Though the enemy was acting very wickedly, the communists, by being patient and tactful, became the main partners in the national liberation struggle. Several times they took the mantle of leadership. They could get the confidence of masses of people. Mao Zedong took correct lessons on how the tactics of united front should be. However, due to left adventurist blunders in the Chinese party there were many losses too. In the initial stage itself serious internal struggle went on. After Chiang Kai Shek came to power, a section in the party evinced tendencies of surrender. Mao was responsible for driving the Chinese revolution in the right direction through his ideological writings, besides conducting internal struggle at all stages against all these types of wrong tendencies. Therefore, Communist Party of China stood as a good example not only in conducting revolutionary struggle against the class enemy but also for the principles of internal struggle in the Party.
Under Maos leadership China greatly succeeded in applying the Marxist-Leninist principles, formulated mainly with the experience of the developed conditions of Europe, to a backward agricultural country. As such, it could provide invaluable lessons to many countries, including our country. It conveyed the importance of mobilising and moving the peasantry, while upholding the leadership place of the working class. The history of the Chinese Party proved the need for communist internationality and at the same time acting in accordance with special conditions of respective countries. While showing immense respect for the great leader of Soviet Union Josef Stalin, whenever it felt that his advice was not in consonance with objective conditions, the Chinese Party acted in tune with its own policy. However, in all stages it continued to treat the help and co-operation of the Soviet Party as valuable. Actually, the victory over Japan during the Second World War, pushing its armed forces back upto Manchuria, immensely helped the success of the Chinese revolution. Similarly, China rendered valuable help for liberation of Korea. This way the role of the Chinese Party with regard to working class internationality is highly inspiring. The history of unfortunate differences which cropped up in the socialist camp after 1964 is another part.
The history of sacrifices made by the Chinese Party provided a new chapter to human progress. The 'Long March' it conducted to withstand the counter-attack of the mobs of Chiang Kai Shek is an unique and incomparable heroic tale. It may be surprising to say that crores of people sacrificed their lives in revolutionary struggles, internal wars and under repression. Because the socialism was developed with such sacrifices, it could progress overcoming all internal and external challenges. Nevertheless, some dangers always approached it. The biggest among them was the cultural revolution. Though the mistakes committed by Mao in the beginning contributed to that, when it became more dangerous he himself took steps to save important leaders. Chou En Lai also saved several others. Even after the death of the triumvirate who led the revolution, safeguarding socialism under the leadership of Deng Xiao Ping is proof of experience and capability of the Chinese Party. With socialist characteristics of China and main slogans of four modernisations, China achieved tremendous economic progress.
Even after the disintegration of Soviet Union and the splintering of socialist camp, China, without bowing to the American imperialism, is continuing as the sole alternate force with policies beneficial for world peace and the developing countries. By developing friendly relations with the remaining socialist countries, it is helping them to the best of its ability.
Jiang Zemin, who is leading the Chinese Party after Deng, recently announced the Party's priorities. Growth of productive forces, progressive cultural values and serving interests of majority of the people were proclaimed as its main objectives today. The Chinese Party is accepting that due to the impact of economic reforms, some bad qualities and capitalist influences have crept in. It is taking up several special measures to overcome these and safeguard the party consciousness. Though our media, immersed neck deep in anti-China propaganda, is not giving due importance to these aspects, there is need for the communists all over the world to study them. There are several lessons which the Indian communist movement has to learn from the Chinese Party. The failure to become a partner in the national liberation movement is important among them. Though our party also emerged almost during the same period, conducted several revolutionary struggles and made many sacrifices, one reason for lacking due place is its inability to have important position in the leadership of national movement. In subsequent period also, a part of the movement committed revisionist and extremist blunders. Another reason is that, in our country there are centralised State and capitalist class which are more stronger than their counterparts in China. International conditions also underwent several changes. Today imperialism is hankering for unopposed and unilateral dominance. In such a situation experiences of China are highly useful to the Communist Party of India (Marxist).