(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) |
Vol. XXV No. 07 February 18, 2001 |
Harkishan Singh Surjeet
HE initiative taken by the government of India in announcing a unilateral ceasefire in Jammu & Kashmir during the period of Ramzan, and the extension of the ceasefire by a month despite several instances of terrorist attacks on innocent people and security forces, was welcomed by all peace-loving people in the region. Side by side, the Vajpayee government also gave permission for a Hurriyat team to visit Pakistan to exchange views with people on the other side of the border. By this move, the government of India has sought to again convince the world community about the sincerity of its intentions regarding re-establishment of peace in the state.
General Parvez Musharraf, the Chief Executive of Pakistan has been repeatedly stating that he is ready to hold unconditional talks with India. The General has expressed willingness to talk on any issue of dispute between the two countries.
Simultaneoulsy, the RSS and the rightist forces are carrying on their activities unhindered. They are actively working for the trifurcation of the state on religious lines, ie, separating the non-Muslim areas from Kashmir. This suits the gameplan of the Pakistani ruling establishment as well, as they seek to unite the Muslim areas on the grounds of religion. The Pakistani rulers forget that it is the same people who had rejected the religion-based two-nation theory, fought the Pak-backed raiders in 1947 and made heavy sacrifices in order to uphold their decision to link their fate with a secular India, while also foiling the Maharajas game to carve out an independent Kashmir as his personal fiefdom.
After the states accession to India, the Indian Union and its Constituent Assembly, which was then in the thick of its work, recognised the J&K peoples aspirations by incorporating Article 370 into the Indian Constitution. By this measure the Constituent Assembly assured the people of J&K that their culture, aspirations and identity would be fully protected. J&K set up its own Constituent Assembly and later its Constitution and was vested with the right to decide on all subjects except some like defence, foreign affairs, etc.
There have always been forces on both sides of the border, active to attack the Kashmiri culture, which forms the basis of the unity of the Kashmiris -- Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs. Despite the constant intervention of the Pakistani rulers, Kashmiris maintained their unity and did not fall prey to their game. It is only in the recent period that communal feelings have been roused even inside the Valley, and the Hindu minorities were forced to leave and migrate to Jammu or Delhi. Sikhs are not in large numbers and are spread over 138 villages. This community has also been made a target to fulfill the same design of making Kashmir a "Muslim territory".
On the question of trifurcation, the Muslim fundamentalist forces, the Pakistani rulers and the Hindu communalists are moving in the same direction. In fact in some way even the report of the Jammu & Kashmir government - constituted regional autonomy committee has advocated the division of the state into districts based on religious identity. All the rightist forces are encouraging such a proposal. Separation on a religious basis of Kashmir, will only help the Muslim fundamentalists who want to Talibanise Kashmiri society.
It is against this background that the proposals for talks comes from General Musharraf. He has called for deciding the Kashmir question on the basis of give and take. On the surface this seems an innocuous declaration. But Musharraf is speaking exactly in terms of what the RSS or the government is planning. He is trying to project himself as very reasonable person interested in settling the issue. What he actually means boils down to acceptance of trifurcation and accession of "Muslim areas", including strategically, as Kashmir is, Kashmir into Pakistan.
But side by side other moves are also afoot. Since 1953 the USA has been advocating an independent Kashmir. Situated Kashmir, bordering Russia, China, Pakistan and India, America thinks that with an 'independent' Kashmir, it can have a foothold there. There is growing discontent in Pak-occupied Kashmir, where the majority are Punjabi-speaking. Amanullah Khan, the leader of the movement for Azad Kashmir, was even imprisoned for some time for his advocacy of this cause. These sections can be easily lured to accept an independent Kashmir.
Ultimately, the result of all these moves would be less chances of any agreement between India and Pakistan on this issue. After creating an atmosphere of supposedly forging an understanding in the name of taking the views of the people into consideration, they will force India and Pakistan to keep Kashmir independent through a plebiscite, under the garb of democracy. Having the sanction of the people of Kashmir, it will seem a democratic process, but the manoeuvres behind the scene will remain hidden. Many forces in Pakistan are working towards the realisation of this aim.
In a situation where attacks on innocent people continue during the ceasefire period and General Musharraf advocating talks, the silence of the government of India is surprising. If they continue to think only in terms of cross-border terrorism, then the people will continue to suffer. It is from this angle that General Musharraf is demarcating himself and calling those, based in Pakistan, fighting for independence as Mujahideens and not terrorists. He has also emphasised that as soon as the talks begin, this can be stopped. The General is clear on one score -- Kashmir either joins Pakistan or becomes independent. He wants to present this as a big achievement of the military regime, given the fact that none of the Pakistani rulers till date has moved an inch forward in this direction.
But what is the government of India doing to counter these moves? It should not underestimate the impact that his words will have on international public opinion. Therefore it is better to begin talks so that real issues come to the fore and the whole game gets exposed. If the Pakistani ruling establishment is truly desirous of peace, many ways can be found. But instead if it goes on hammering on accession of Kashmir to Pakistan, or making it independent, they will get exposed.
But how to counter this offensive? On the one hand it is necessary to take certain steps to start negotiations, so that issues can be made clear before the people. Since India's position is rational we will be able to convince the people not only in Pakistan, but other countries as well, of the justness of it. Nobody in Pakistan can advocate the implementation of the UN resolutions. The resolution was adopted in a situation where it was taken for granted that the people of Kashmir stand by India, when despite the polarisation on communal lines, Kashmiri young men and women with guns in their hands fought against the Pakistani raiders.
Subsequently, after two wars between India and Pakistan a new formula was evolved that this issue can be settled through negotiations, which is popularly known as the Shimla agreement. After the signing of this agreement, the UN resolutions had no relevance at all. In the Lahore Declaration signed during Vajpayee's bus trip to Pakistan, this stand has been carried forward. The nature of this cannot be changed only because the military has come to power in Pakistan.
The urgent step that has to be taken is to restore peace. The people of Kashmir have suffered immensely during the last ten years. To ameliorate their conditions, peace and development are the twin weapons, which will go the required and a long way in creating conditions of normalcy. Kashmiri culture is quite different than that of other parts of the sub-continent. It is based on Sufism. It has a very broad approach and appeal, preaching universal brotherhood. It is because of this that there has never been hatred between man and man whether Hindu, Sikh or Muslim. They were all living in peace. A situation has to be created where this position is restored.
The state of Jammu & Kashmir should not be trifurcated with the separation of Jammu and Ladakh from the Valley. What is required is to ensure an equitable distribution of powers in a scheme of regional autonomy for Jammu and Ladakh.