XXV No. 26 July 01, 2001 |
CPI(M) Greets CPC On 80th Anniversary
The Central Committee of the CPI(M) sent the following massage of greetings to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on June 25, 2001, on the 80th anniversary of the latters foundation.
THE Communist Party of India (Marxist) conveys its warm fraternal greetings to the Communist Party of China on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of its founding.
During these 80 years, facing many trials and tribulations, the Communist Party of China has steered the Chinese people and the Chinese nation to tremendous successes. These have been and continue to remain a source of inspiration for the people all over the world, who are in the midst of struggles for social and economic emancipation.
The first congress of the Chinese Communist Party announcing its formation was attended by a modest 12 delegates that included Comrade Mao Zedong. From this modest beginning, adapting the science of Marxism-Leninism to the concrete conditions prevailing in China, the Communist Party set out on the course that led to the triumphant victory of the socialist revolution in 1949 --- a revolution whose victory had a profound impact on the world, galvanising the decolonisation process. Following the Great October Socialist Revolution and the defeat of fascism in the Second World War, the Chinese revolution stands as the most important development of the 20th century.
During this period, passing through various phases of the struggle, braving repression of the worst order, engaging in one of the greatest military expeditions in history --- the Long March of the Red Army --- the CPC not only fought the reactionary ruling classes but forged the widest possible front against the fascist Japanese invaders. The united front tactics outlined by the Communist Party of China are a classic example of how to combine revolutionary tactics with the strategic objective of establishing socialism. These continue to remain even today a major contribution to the theory of Marxism-Leninism.
The thorough-going agrarian revolution that destroyed the old feudal and landlord control in China while liberating millions of languishing peasants, also unleashed the productive forces that grew with rapid strides. The task of transforming the New Democracy into socialism was undertaken through rapid reconstruction and building of the country's economic foundations.
After the initial years of rapid success, the CPC passed through a difficult period during the Cultural Revolution. Displaying a high level of maturity, the CPC, evaluating this period, analysed that the objective laws of development and reality were ignored while the subjective will of the leadership was over-estimated. The process of correction and the adoption of a new line was set in motion in 1978.
The reform processes initiated under the leadership of Comrade Deng Xiaoping, while opening up the economy, also firmly adhered to the four cardinal principles --- adherence to the socialist road; Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought; people's democratic dictatorship; and leadership of the Communist Party.
Analysing that China was still in the primary stage of socialism and that the development of productive forces was the key for consolidating socialism and advancing the socialist cause, the CPC forged ahead to record rapid strides in all round development.
Such has been the stupendous growth in China during the last two decades that the IMF today predicts that by the year 2007, China will surpass the USA as the largest economy in the world.
The successful reunification of Hong Kong and Macao reflects the maturity of the foreign policy adopted by the People's Republic of China. However, US imperialism continues to create obstacles for the peaceful reunification of Taiwan. Imperialist hostility is also visible in various other areas and more recently in the US president's announcement of the Nuclear Missile Defence system which targets, amongst others, the People's Republic of China. The CPI(M) is confident that, in the days to come, the CPC will successfully overcome these challenges and consolidate socialism in China.
The process of reforms, while registering rapid development, has also brought in certain negative consequences which the CPC is combating. The CPI(M) wishes the CPC all success in these efforts in order to consolidate the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
The history of these 80 years clearly shows that the CPC, while overcoming many difficulties and wrong assessments, set in motion corrections based on the Leninist tenet of "concrete analysis of concrete conditions." This serves as a great teacher to the international communist movement. The Communist Party of India (Marxist) wishes the CPC all success in further strengthening socialism in China which will be its biggest contribution to the international communist movement.
On this happy occasion of the 80th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, the CPI(M) once again greets the Chinese communists and the people of the PRC. India and China share an interaction that spans many centuries of civilisational advance. We are confident that the future will see a growing friendly cooperation between the peoples of these two Asian giants. The strengthening of Sino-Indian relations would be a big contribution to peace and prosperity, not only in South Asia but in the world.
With confidence that the future will see a further strengthening of relations between our two parties, peoples and countries, the CPI(M) once again conveys its fraternal communist greetings to the Communist Party of China.