(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) |
Vol. XXV No. 11 March 18, 2001 |
Greetings To Lao Party Congress
The central Committee of the CPI(M) sent, on March 8, the following message of greetings to the Central Committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party for its coming Party Congress.
ON behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), it gives us great pleasure to send greetings to the VII Congress of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party.
Your Party Congress is being held at a time when the rapid scientific and technological advances have opened up new potentialities for progress and cooperation among countries and peoples. But imperialist aggression and hegemonism prevents the benefits of scientific advances from reaching the vast mass of the world's peoples.
The dismantling of the Soviet Union has seen the emergence of a more belligerent United States. US imperialism is seeking to impose its hegemony over the entire world. This is manifested in the continuance of the brutal sanctions imposed on Iraq which even prohibit medicines, food and other essential commodities from being imported into Iraq. Yugoslavia exemplifies the most brutish nature of imperialism. After having failed to dislodge the Milosevic government by savagely bombing the country for 78 days and backing the separatist forces in Kosovo, it nakedly interfered in the election process to achieve its objective.
In pursuit of its anti-communist offensive, it continues with its economic and political warfare against Cuba to subvert its socialist system. The brazen support to Israel, which continues to deny the Palestinians their genuine right to a homeland, is yet another instance of imperialist contempt for elementary human rights. The new doctrine adopted by NATO which proclaims the right to freely interfere in the internal affairs of all countries, including use of military force, is a threat to world peace and sovereignty of all countries.
Imperialism also seeks to impose its stranglehold over the world economy. This is reflected in the growing immiserisation of the people of the third world through the structural adjustment programmes imposed through the IMF and the unequal regime sought to be imposed through the WTO. Through the policies of neo-liberalism, US imperialism is seeking to economically recolonise the third world. Taking advantage of the changed world situation after 1991, they brazenly seek to impose their diktat. The double standards on the question of human rights and protection of national minorities is the cover for such gross intervention in the affairs of other countries.
While imperialism is seeking to impose its hegemony, progressive and anti-imperialist forces the world over are gearing themselves to confront imperialism. The pace at which imperialism seeks to impose its world order casts a tremendous responsibility on the progressive and anti-imperialist forces to fight back this offensive by closing ranks and broadening the struggle.
With a coalition led by a right reactionary party in power, the Indian people are confronted with increasing problems. While on the one hand the economic policies of liberalisation and privatisation are heaping increasing burdens on the people, on the other hand, the reactionary and communal ideology of the BJP, the party at the head of the coalition, seeks to divide the people on chauvinistic and religious lines.
The CPI(M) is heading governments in three states/regions of the country and has an unblemished record in the service of the people. The CPI(M) is the third largest party in the Indian parliament. Recently, in October last year, the CPI(M) updated its programme at a special conference called for this purpose. While retaining its earlier assessment on the stage and strategy of the Indian revolution, the character of the Indian ruling classes and the class alliance required to accomplish people's democracy, the programme has been updated taking into account international and national developments since its adoption in the year 1964.
The Lao People's Revolutionary Party has a glorious history of fighting against imperialism and in building socialism in Laos. We are sure that in the days to come, the Lao People's Revolutionary Party will redouble its efforts to consolidate the gains and reach newer heights. The Communist Party of India (Marxist) and the Lao People's Revolutionary Party have been maintaining friendly relations. We look forward to strengthening these relations in the days ahead.
On behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), we once again convey fraternal greetings and wish your Congress all success.