(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of
India (Marxist) |
XXV No. 47 November 25,2001 |
Six Months Of The Antony Rule
Pinarayi Vijayan
THE service rendered by the Antony government to the people of Kerala during the last six months has been tremendous indeed. Through the total collapse of the public distribution system through the Maveli, Neethi and other cooperative distribution societies, to the shocking increase in the electricity and bus charges, this present government has shown itself more anti-people than any other government since formation of the separate Kerala state on November 1, 1956.
Apart from its anti-people attitude, the hallmarks of the Antony government have been its negligence and/or inability to evolve correct policies. Keener than their counterparts at the centre in destroying the public sector, the Kerala UDF and its government have privatised all possible public sector undertakings and even education:
Its first act, in the name of overcoming a critical financial situation in the state, was to impose an excess burden of Rs 542 crore on the people, through its budget revision. Its widespread propaganda through the media and its own political platforms, that there was an "irretrievable financial crisis", and that Kerala would sink into the Arabian Sea if the necessary measures were not taken, was used to take from the people far more than was warranted by the situation, in effect to rob already impoverished pockets.
Then began the squeezing process.
The government similarly tried to dissolve the District Cooperative Banks which met with the same fate, and was held 'not in order' by the High Court. It must be in the light of this that the ministers are not saying a word about dissolving the toddy cooperatives, established by the LDF government, though this was one of its threats during the election campaign. The UDF seems to have had no idea that registered societies working according to law cannot be dissolved. Thus, the UDF liquor policy remains vague, varying from party to party within the alliance and from leader to leader.
With the prominent leaders of the main partner of the UDF, the Congress, openly coming out against the police policy being followed by the government and the prevailing law and order situation in the state, there is almost little need for the Opposition to say anything. One of the main complainants is the president of the KPCC; another the former chief minister and godfather of the Congress party in Kerala, K Karunakaran.
While the congress workers' demonstrations against the police policy, even attacking the police and police stations, has almost become a law and order problem in itself, the chief minister is not opening his mouth to comment on these developments. Karunakaran is in an all-out condemnation campaign against the police, but the chief minister repeats like a parrot: " I am not ready for a tussle with him". - the same mantra he seems to be chanting on all issues.
The Opposition complaints about the police are of a different order - a very serious charge about Anthony's police policy is that the police are controlled by extra-constitutional powers in the state, and used as an instrument to persecute political opponents.. The atrocities and cruelties visited on the students, including girls, of the University College, Thiruvananthapuram, is only one example. Antony seems to have forgotten that he was baptized into politics through student work, but now is not ready to open his holy mouth to condemn the police atrocities on the students.
At Pathanapuram in Kollam district, the police arrested a young man just on the basis of rumors and scandals spread by certain interested parties. They persecuted him to such an extent that after his release he committed suicide, along with his young, pregnant wife. Naturally the people protested and were met with ferocious violence.
At Koyilandy in Kozhikode district, the police, including the top officials of the district, exhibited its madness at the District Youth Festival. Even the Deputy Director of Education was under threat of assault and arrest from the police merely on the ground that there is a Court direction regarding the use of microphone amplifiers in public, thus denying the students the right to stage their histrionic talents in an official competition.
The UDF of course enjoys a majority in the legislature, with the support of 99 members out of 140. On the force of this majority Antony has developed the tone of a dictator in his words and deeds, even stalling assembly legislation. The Opposition was not permitted by the Speaker to move an adjournment motion on the question of denial of the sanctioned loans to lakhs of beneficiaries for construction of their houses. Whereupon, when the leader of the Opposition stood up to announce boycott of the assembly proceedings, the Speaker cut off his microphone.
This resulted in a strong protest, so a story was concocted that three legislators of the opposition assaulted a minister, and Antony moved a motion to suspend the concerned members from the Assembly for the whole session. The Opposition demand for an examination of the videotapes to ascertain whether the charge of assault was true, was not permitted. The Assembly session was held up for more than two weeks.
Why this suspension of Opposition members from the whole session of the assembly on such flimsy and concocted grounds? The answer lies in the dealings of Antony and his interested groups in the appointment of the consultants to the drinking water project in collaboration with Japan. The international tender was annulled in order to appoint a vested agency known as the PCI. When this was exposed before the assembly, the chief minister threatened he would teach the Opposition a lesson, and hence the suspension.
The UDF government has given a "very fine" gift to the unemployed youth. Already despondent and desperate without a source of living, they have been presented with a "total ban" on appointments, and the UDF is further thinking of raising the retirement age, which will only aggravate the situation.
The Antony government is treating every section in the society as its enemy. It has virtually declared a war on the government employees and teachers rejecting their Dearness Allowance (DA) during the current year, citing financial crisis as the reason. The government schools are being threatened of closure saying they have become burdensome. It is funny that in a democratic set up a government declares that its schools are running at loss. What is the profit it expects to get from the schools? Antony and his colleagues have to answer this question.
Another worrying aspect is the undue allegiance being shown by the government to the chauvinistic, communal, casteist forces that helped the UDF come to power. They have come to direct the government policies. The PDP and NDF parties have taken the friendship with the UDF as license to commit religious and communal crimes in the state. Today, the prominent parties in the UDF have become the most criminal law breakers of the state.
The internecine group wars within the Congress party have led to a lot of law and order problems. Even police stations are not free from the group attacks of Congressmen. The Indian Union of Muslim League (IUML) has unleashed a reign of terror in places where it is a force to be reckoned with. The IUML workers of Kasarkod celebrated the appointment of Cherkalam Abdulla as a minister in the cabinet by criminally assaulting the people of Padanna and Cheruvathur villages. In Thaliparamba and in Nadapuram the IUML crimes have been already brought to light by the media. Hundreds have lost their shelters. A section of the IUML has virtually absorbed the terrorist groups of the minority community for narrow political mileage.
This display of brutal arrogance by the powers that be in different parts of the state should be an eye opener to all patriotic and democratic and secular forces of the state.
Infights within the UDF have become so rampant that the ministers are quarrelling among themselves openly. Even the father and his son are quarreling in one party. The ministers, in fact, do not find any time to govern except to fight and then attempt to patch up. Basically theirs is a war to share the loot of the election and the consequent government. If at all they find any time they spend it for corruption and crime.
The face of the Antony government has become an ugly phenomenon within a short span of six months. The Adivasi drama under Janu and the suspension of the Opposition members for the entire session of the Assembly were all part of the vain attempt to conceal this ugly face. But the people are wiser. These gimmicks will not pay off. If a referendum were to be held at the completion of the six months, the UDF would have to taste the most bitter defeat in its history. This destiny is awaiting Antony. It has been the destiny of all dictators, anti-people demagogues and worthless political traders. People are waiting for an earliest opportunity to see this ignominious bunch of ministers and their aides off their governmental seats.
(The author is the Secretary of the CPI-M Kerala State Committee and a Politburo Member.)