(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of
India (Marxist) |
XXV No. 40 October 07,2001 |
Futile Hope & Ominous Sign
AS we go to press, the death toll in the dastardly suicide attack on the Jammu & Kashmir assembly continues to mount. This daring and gruesome attack only confirms the fears of growing cross-border terrorism.
Many were apprehensive about the complacent attitude adopted by this government when leading members of the cabinet were expressing their opinion that since Pakistan would now be busy on its western front, pre-occupied with the Taliban, tensions would ease in the Kashmir valley. Clearly, the October 1 attack is a grim reminder that India can never afford to lower its guard. Our hearts go out to the innocent victims and their families. All necessary measures must be taken to beef up security and to bring the guilty to book.
Prime minister Vajpayee has, however, chosen to write a letter to the US president, George Bush. The tone and tenor is like a student complaining to the headmaster. Vajpayee virtually beseeched the USA to take up terrorism in Kashmir on its agenda. This is indeed ominous. By doing so, this government is virtually seeking US intervention in resolving the Kashmir dispute. This is contrary to what India has maintained so far --- that resolution of the Kashmir problem does not brook any third-party intervention. By seeking US mediation, Vajpayee is doing precisely the opposite.
At the expense of repetition, it needs to be mentioned that the USA, which indulges in various forms of state terrorism, is today seeking to fight terrorism in alliance with Pakistan that sponsors cross-border terrorism. It will therefore be futile to hope that the US is going to help India fight Pakistan's cross-border terrorism. This, however, is precisely what Vajpayee is hoping for. It is no naivete. It is aimed at India replacing Pakistan as the US surrogate in the region.
The Indian people are clear. Our opposition to terrorism has been steadfast. We have lost many a patriot in this battle. But we will not permit this BJP-led government to invite US intervention in this fight. For the simple reason that, but for US military aid and support during the entire second half of the 20th century, Pakistan's cross-border terrorism, its scale as well as intensity over the past decades would not have been possible. The recent developments clearly indicate that this relationship between the USA and Pakistan is not only here to stay but is slated to strengthen. Under these circumstances, Vajpayee's unabashed servility to the USA is clearly not in the country's interests, and will not be accepted by the Indian people.