(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of
India (Marxist) |
XXV No. 37 September 16,2001 |
Stop US-Backed Terrorism: Israeli Communist Forum
THE Israeli Communist Forum has described the criminal assassination of Abu Ali Mustafa, leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), as a sharp escalation in the bloody march of the Sharon government, increasing even more the danger of an all-out war in the Middle East.
The Forum condemned the Sharon-Peres government, in which nearly all Zionist parties are participants, for this despicable crime of murdering in cold blood a political leader and head of the second largest organisation in the PLO. It also condemned the support, now more manifest than ever, which the US government extends to the policy of murder and aggression --- the support that encouraged Israel to commit that heinous crime.
The Sharon-Peres-Ben Eliezer government is not content with this murder. It is escalating its military operations, making use of fighter airplanes, helicopter gunships, missiles and tanks against Palestinian towns and villages. Barbaric military operations are conducted deeper and deeper inside the territory that is supposed to be under complete Palestinian control.
The Forum pointed out that all the assassinations and bombings have failed to stop the Palestinian peoples struggle. On the contrary, these have increased their determination to gain their legitimate national rights. This is also evident in the acts of resistance that immediately followed the said murder. In the past months, the Palestinian struggle has made important achievements. This is evident, among other things, in the fact that there is nearly no Israeli civilian traffic in many parts of the occupied territories. The state of Israel is paying a heavy economic price for the escalation. There is an almost complete collapse of the tourist industry.
The closure and blockade of Palestinian communities, the daily humiliation Palestinians suffer when crossing the Israeli military checkpoints, and the ongoing rampage by settlers --- none of these can stop the Palestinian struggle. Still, the Israeli measures are taking a daily toll of the life of Palestinian civilians and further deteriorating their already depressed living standards. This is pushing some Palestinians into acts of desperation, such as suicide bombings directed at innocent civilians inside Israel.
The ICF said there is only one inescapable conclusion from the events of the past months --- that no solution can be achieved by force. The use of more force by Israeli army will solve nothing. On the contrary, it would lead to even more bloodletting, not only of Palestinians but also of Israelis.
The Israeli Communist Forum has asked the government of Israel to give up its policy of state terrorism, assassinations and barbaric bombings, and to accept a ceasefire on the basis of the recent diplomatic initiatives. The return of Israeli forces to the positions held prior to October 2000 as well as a complete freeze on construction in all settlements must be an inseparable part of such a ceasefire.
The Forum also demanded that Israel must carry out all obligations under previous agreements, and start negotiations for a permanent solution. Such a solution can be achieved only on the basis of withdrawal to the June 1967 borders, creation of an independent Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, including East Jerusalem, and recognition of the Palestinian refugees right to have their problem solved in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions.