(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of
India (Marxist) |
XXV No. 39 September 30,2001 |
Women Will Further Suffer With US Adventurism: AIDWA
IN a statement issued by its general secretary Brinda Karat from New Delhi on September 17, the All India Democratic Womens Association (AIDWA) has mourned the death of thousands of people in the diabolical bombing of the World Trade Centre in New York. Some 250 Indians have reportedly perished in these senseless bombings. The AIDWA joined its voice to the demand that the terrorists responsible for the crime be brought to justice. Women in India who have suffered so many different types of terrorism and violence, know only too well the dreadful toll that terrorism takes, the AIDWA statement added.
It is for this reason that women view with deep concern the unrestrained threats of revenge and aggressive retribution by the US administration even before the criminals have been identified. In the past the world has paid a heavy price for the actions determined by the US foreign policy agenda, including US support to terrorists when it suited them. The histories of Iraq, Palestine, Cuba and Vietnam are testimony to it; there the US ravaged the life of several generations.
The statement said global action against terrorism would require global consensus and decisions through forums like the United Nations. It will be wholly against the interests of the people of India if India is committed to any military adventurism under US leadership.
Criticising the prime minister for his threat of heavy burdens on the people, the AIDWA statement strongly opposed any move for further militarisation and nuclearisation of the South Asian region. The mass of Indians requires the wherewithal for existence and not for their destruction, the AIDWA added. (INN)