People's Democracy

(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)


No. 51

December 29,2002

Greetings To 17th CP Sri Lanka Congress

THE Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) extends its warm fraternal greetings to the 17th national congress of the Communist Party of Sri Lanka. 

The 17th national congress of the Communist Party of Sri Lanka is meeting in the background of the new offensive of US imperialism to establish its hegemony --- economic, political and military --- worldwide. Right-wing forces in many countries are striving to strengthen their reactionary grip.  Imperialism is seeking to transfer the burdens of the deepening world capitalist crisis on to the developing countries. The coming period will witness further attempts on part of the imperialist countries to intensify the exploitation of the third world.

The world developments have shown clearly that capitalism is not only incapable of solving the basic problems facing humanity but, on the contrary, mercilessly dehumanises civilisation through its predatory search for profits. The enormous potential for raising the living standards of the vast mass of the world population as a result of scientific and technological advances is being hampered by the predatory role of international finance capital.

The recent period has seen the growing influence of the United States, the global hegemonic power in South Asia. In the name of fighting terrorism, the US is establishing military bases and entering into military collaboration in the South Asian countries. While all democratic forces must firmly oppose terrorism, imperialist hegemony cannot be the antidote to terrorism. 

The present situation demands that the Left, progressive and democratic forces the world over, and in South Asia in particular, should rally together to counter the fresh wave of imperialist assaults all over the world.

The Communist Party of India (Marxist) highly appreciates the role played by the Communist Party of Sri Lanka in the political life of Sri Lanka. The Communist Party of Sri Lanka is consistently fighting against imperialist penetration into the economy and politics of Sri Lanka. It fights against the forces of chauvinism, fundamentalism and separatism. It is striving to rally the common people against the neo-liberal economic policies which are exacerbating the miseries of the Sri Lankan people. It fights for sustaining and strengthening the democratic rights of the people. The Communist Party of Sri Lanka stands for a political solution of the ethnic conflict through a negotiated settlement.

Due to terroristic attacks and military hostilities, Sri Lanka has suffered much. The Communist Party of India (Marxist) appreciates the efforts being made to find a political solution to the ethnic problem through a negotiated settlement. The CPI(M) has consistently held the position that a democratic solution to the ethnic problem in Sri Lanka can be found only within the framework of Sri Lankan unity in which the Tamil regions get sufficient  autonomy. 

The Communist Party of India (Marxist) has close fraternal relations with the Communist Party of Sri Lanka. The cooperation and the strengthening of the fraternal relations between the Communist Parties of India and Sri Lanka will further expand and strengthen the friendly relations between the people of India and Sri Lanka.

The Communist Party of India (Marxist) is confident that the deliberations of the 17th national congress of the Communist Party of Sri Lanka will facilitate further growth and expansion of the Communist Party of Sri Lanka. 

The Communist Party of India (Marxist), once again, wishes the congress great success in its work.