(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of
India (Marxist) |
XXVI No. 08 February 24, 2002 |
Association Of Indian Communists, Great Britain
Holds 13th Conference
Avtar Sadiq
THE 13th Conference of the Association of Indian Communists Great Britain (Marxist) was held on January 20 in Leicester. A four-member presidium comprising Dyal Bagri, Prem Singh, Joginder Singh and Avtar Sadiq was elected by the conference for conducting the proceedings. Dyal Bagri welcomed the delegates and presented the condolence resolution paying tribute to all those comrades who had passed away since the 16th Congress of the CPI(M) and pledged to carry forward the unfulfilled tasks initiated by them. It was followed by observance of one minute silence.
The conference was attended by the CPIM) general secretary Harkishen Singh Surjeet who gave the inaugural address outlining the international and Indian situation in detail.
In the ensuing delegates session AICGB secretary Avtar Sadiq presented the political and organisational report. The working class people of Britain, he noted, voted for the return of a labour government to begin the restoration of workers' rights and to improve living standards and public services, safeguard employment, increase training facilities, build a strong economy and provide quality of life in a safe environment free from fear of racial violence, prejudice, racial discrimination, crime and violence.
The trust placed in New Labour by the people of Britain is shattering: education for all remains a far distant dream, the National Health Service has failed to reduce the waiting time of patients requiring surgical and other urgent treatment. Even after doctoring the figures, unemployment is rising; the transport system has become a target for public criticism; the employers have been given the right to reduce workers' pay and alter their working conditions. The public services are being privatised in the name of social partnership and welfare rights are being eroded along with many anti-people measures including anti-terrorist bill under the excuse of the September 11 attacks in the USA. Under this bill any foreigner can be detained without trial, civil liberties are curtailed. Peaceful demonstrations can easily be labelled "terrorists"; anti-imperialist trade unions, anti racist and civil rights organisations will all come under this draconian measure.
The report further outlined the growth of racism, racial hatred and xenophobia, repression against asylum-seekers through inhuman immigration policies. Before the elections, the leader of the Conservative party, William Hague, fuelled racism by claiming that if the Labour party won a second term; Britain would turn into a "foreign land". The media also created racist climate which benefited the British National Party (BNP), a racist and fascist party, to step up racist-hysteria and violence in terms of riots in the industrial towns of Oldham, Burnley and Bradford in northern England resulting in the BNP receiving a sizeable number of votes in the general elections. The association stood resolutely opposed to the anti-working class policies of the New Labour.
The new international order that US imperialism is looking to introduce, is being vociferously argued by the British prime minister, who threatens "either adopt western values or we may be around to see you; we will carry sticks as well as carrots in the name of our concept of justice" The countries that will resist the new world order can be militarily attacked or invaded. The British prime minister, keen to be recognised as a world statesman, is paying little attention to domestic affairs, as he unahsamedly globe-trots as an envoy of US imperialism.
Sadiq outlined a number of activities which were carried out in conjunction with the Communist Party of Britain against imperialist actions to impose a new world order.
The Home Office has proposed a Visa Bond system for visitors from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh where people wishing to visit the UK were asked to deposit 10,000 dollars to ensure their return. Along with indigenous and ethnic organisations, the association ran a campaign against this racist scheme, forcing the Home Office to withdrew it. The committee set up by the Indian government on the Indian Diaspora recommendation granting dual nationality, was referred to because the Indian Workers Association has been leading this campaign since 1991, and the CPI(M) has played a predominant role in pursuing this issue.
Out of 59 delegates, who took part in conference, 18 delegates participated in the discussions to enhance the work of the Association and mass organisations. The following tasks were approved by the conference.
In view of the aggressive approach in economic, political and ideological spheres by the imperialists to impose a new world order, the Association will intensify its struggle against imperialism to unify the working class to oppose all forms of discrimination, segregation, exploitation and oppression.
With US imperialism bent on pursuing its National Missile Defence System and formally pulling out of the 1972 ABM treaty, thereby posing a serious threat to world peace, the Association will continue its work with the Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and other peace loving forces.
- To continue its solidarity with the Cuban people and the people of Palestine against the hegemonic aims of US imperialism.
- To fight growing racism and fascism on the national and local level.
- To continue its pressure on the Indian government for the provision of dual nationality.
- To remain in the forefront to fight communal forces and extremists in Britain.
- To take specific steps to organise youth and women in developing the organisational base.
The conference elected a 22-member executive committee. Avtar Sadiq was unanimously re-elected as secretary.