Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) |
No. 29 July 28,2002 |
Textile Workers Decide Action Course
THE all-India convention, organised by the Joint Action Committee (JAC) of Textile Workers at New Delhi on July 16, has chalked out a countrywide action plan to press the demand for revival of 76 NTC mills. A large number of workers of the National Textile Corporation took part in this convention.
The JAC of textile workers comprises the AITUC, CITU, HMS, INTUC, UTUC, TUCC and AICCTU.
It will be recalled that the government had earlier circulated data stating that, out of the 119 NTC mills, 25 were fully working, 51 were partially working and 43 were not working. But it proposed to revive only 12 mills out of 119.
But the JAC demanded that 76 mills, that is, the fully working as well as partially working mills according to the government’s own statistics, must be revived, and that the government must initiate talks with the trade unions regarding the 43 non-working mills. The JAC launched a series of united actions, including demonstrations at Delhi. Under pressure, the government had to revise its decision several times, and ultimately decided to revive 53 mills. But the process of their revival has not yet started although the decision to revive them was taken by the cabinet more than six months ago.
Led by Basudeb Acharya, MP, a joint delegation of the trade unions met the textiles minister Kashiram Rana on July 17 afternoon to make the following minimum demands:
First, 76 mills must be revived.
Second, 53 mills for which the government had already taken the decision, must be started immediately.
Third, out of the remaining 23 mills, the government must take the decision to revive at least 2 mills from Kanpur, 3 from Bengal, 1 from Indore, 1 from Nagpur and 2 from Mumbai in the first phase.
The minister, however, failed to give an assurance regarding these demands.
The JAC therefore decided to go on with the action plan as decided in the convention. Accordingly, it will implement the following steps:
1) A mass signature campaign by NTC workers from all over the country demanding revival of the 76 mills.
2) Joint demonstrations, rallies, etc, at all NTC centres in the country from August 1 to 7, with mass signatures.
3) Mass deputation at Delhi to the textile minister on August 8.
The JAC will decide the next course of action later on. (INN)