Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
No. 01 January 02, 2005 |
EGA: Working Group For People’s Action Meets
‘Working Group of the People’s Action for Employment Guarantee’ that is
constituted by over 100 organisations all over the country met at the NFIW
office on December 27 and took the following decisions:
lobby all members of parliament to ensure the passage of the National Rural
Employment Guarantee Act as soon as possible.
To appeal for the following changes to be included in the Act as tabled by the government.
Act be extended to the whole country in a time-bound period and not be
dependent on a ‘Central Government Notification’.
Minimum Wages must be paid for any work done under the provision of the Act.
Act should be universally applicable and not just be targeted towards a
section of the unemployed.
Act should apply to rural areas all over the country, without targeting
states and areas as the central government pleases.
was stated by Suneet Chopra, joint secretary of All India Agricultural Workers
Union (AIAWU) and member of the Work Group of Peoples Action for Employment
Guarantee Act, in a statement.
stated that all organisations are free to lobby the MPs independently or jointly
in the form of mass deputation’s as groups to ensure they understand the mood
of the people as regarding this important piece of legislation. (INN)