Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
No. 21 May 22, 2005 |
The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) issued the following statement on May 19, 2005.
K Advani’s diatribe against the communists in his address to the CII is on
expected lines. A man who himself was chargesheeted in the Ayodhya case and who
manipulated the CBI as home minister to get himself acquitted is now advising
the UPA government on good governance. What has rattled Advani is the demand of
the Left to investigate the Centaur Hotel deal because such an investigation
will bring out the racketeering in the sale of public assets to benefit persons
connected to the RSS and BJP.
deputy prime minister and home minister Advani patronised, defended and tried to
cover up the worst communal pogrom in Gujarat
in the history of India. State complicity has been confirmed by his
colleague Sundar Singh Bhandari then governor of Gujarat. Advani’s ire is
directed against communists because it is communists who have been relentless in
their pursuit of justice against those responsible.
lectures on inclusive growth when it is the economic polices of his government
which excluded and denied the vast mass of the poor their basic rights for which
reason his party was rejected by the people.
It is amusing that a person who has led a perpetual boycott of parliament and who has adopted the most negative and confrontationist approach against the UPA government should now adopt the hypocritical stance of advising the government of how to fulfil its duties.