Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
No. 32 August 07, 2005 |
THE deaths of a large number of workers in mining accident in the recent past are evoking anger among the miners in India. The utter disregard shown by the mine-owners towards the safety of these miners has turned every mine unto a death traps.
While the enquiry of the ghastly accident at Dhori is not yet half way through, we hear the tragic news of the death of seven miners in Ena colliery of the North West Coal Company on July 24. As reported by the Press, a chunk of the roof stone, thirty-five feet long and twenty-five feet wide, came down when twelve miners were working at the gallery junction of seam no 9.
The Indian Mines Act is implement by the mine-owners only in its blatant violation. The safety rules are there but the method of inspection is so formal in most of the mines that many mining inspectors most often use this opportunity to enjoy the hospitality of the mine-owners. The punishment provided is so nominal that the mine-owners are not at all scared by it.
Times without number, trade unionists have openly charged that the total number of workers killed in such accidents is not disclosed to the public. The arrest of TU workers during the enquiry of the Dhori mine accident only showed the unholy collusion between mine-owners and the authorities.
The dangerous working conditions in mines are accompanied by lack of any facility below the surface. Even drinking water is not properly supplied to mines-workers in many places. Scant regard is given to workers complaints about insecure working conditions. The heavy hand of the state falls on the workers if they dare to raise disputes while the real culprits go on merrily exploiting the workers.
It is not enough to enquire into the causes of accidents, which quite often become white-washing affairs. The criminals must be given severe punishment which alone will compel other mine-owners to provide adequate safety facilities to the miners.
— People’s Democracy, August 8, 1965