Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
No. 36 September 04, 2005 |
current session of parliament has witnessed the introduction of many bills of
specific relevance to women. While welcoming the fact that the UPA government
has paid at least partial heed to the pro-poor promises made in the National
Common Minimum Programme (CMP), it should be noted that this was done with
active prompting from the Left and the sustained intervention of democratic
organisations like the AIDWA. But there is still a long way to go. It is
extremely disappointing that the critical 33 per cent Women’s Reservation Bill
has once again been pushed to the back burner, with the BJP playing a
particularly nefarious role in shifting its stand mid-stream. Moreover, the
rights enshrined in our laws reach ordinary people only when the struggle for
implementation becomes powerful, and it is indispensable for democratic
organisations to launch effective struggles at all levels to access these newly
defined entitlements. To prevent exploitation by vested interests, an emphasis
on monitoring and public accountability at the point of delivery is essential.
welcomes the two important bills – the National Rural Employment Guarantee
Bill and the Protection from Domestic Violence Bill – passed by the parliament
and calls for a widespread campaign to ensure their effective implementation.
National Rural Employment Guarantee Bill moved by the UPA government is an
important step forward in the process of safeguarding the survival rights of
needy families in rural areas who are in acute distress because of lack of
employment. The government has accepted certain crucial amendments suggested by
the Left parties to the original bill mooted by the government. The combined
efforts of the Left parties and the mass movements, including those organised by
AIDWA, around the issue of rural employment guarantee legislation have ensured
that the dilutions in the earlier draft have been removed. One instance was the
restriction to just below poverty line (BPL) families.
Other amendments of the Left which were accepted include a floor-level
minimum wage of 60 rupees for every workday; specific priority to be given so as
to ensure that one third of the beneficiaries under the scheme are women; the
initial coverage of 200 districts, including the FWP districts will be extended
to the remaining 400 districts within five years etc. The list of works is now
made more flexible and by including the clause of consultation with state
governments, space has been provided for the inclusion of more women-friendly
tasks. The increased role of panchayats has also been included. The central
government has assured that it will address the financial liability of the
states towards unemployment allowance if it does not transfer the funds in time.
This is an important issue, and it is essential that the central government
makes the requisite funds available as otherwise the entire programme will not
be implemented.
concerted struggle is now required to ensure that these legislation are fully
implemented. In AIDWA’s experience, the rights of women are given the least
priority at the ground level. Since there is now a legal provision for inclusion
of women in the legislation, AIDWA units in the districts where the scheme will
be implemented will have to ensure that women’s rights are protected and
welcomes the introduction of the Protection from Domestic Violence Bill, 2005 in
parliament as it represents a significant advance in providing women access to
legal protection and relief from violence within the home. The bill fulfils a
long-pending demand of AIDWA and the women’s movement for a civil remedy to
address this inadequately recognised, yet rampant form of violence. AIDWA hopes
that its swift enactment and proper implementation will contribute to arresting
the rising graph of domestic violence.
of the crucial entitlements assured to the woman under this bill is the right to
residence, the right not to be dispossessed of her marital home. The wife will
also be entitled to ask for protective orders from acts of domestic violence.
The respondent may be debarred from entering home, workplace etc. or prevented
from harassing the wife by communicating with her. Provision for financial
support, temporary custody of children, and compensation in case of damage or
injuries form part of the relief that may be granted. The tremendous injustice
of the patriarchal social order which often led to women getting thrown out with
no shelter or being forced to return to the parental home is sought to be
addressed. It is essential for courts to enforce these important entitlements.
The present draft has done away with many of the basic flaws in the draft
formulated during the NDA regime, especially the removal of the clause defining
violence as a “habitual offence.” The definition now includes physical,
verbal, emotional, sexual, and economic violence, various forms of dowry related
harassment, as also the threat of violence. It ensures a much more comprehensive
extension of protection to women. The definition of who can take recourse to
legal protection has been enhanced such that it covers the wife, or any woman
who has been in a domestic relationship with the respondent. Thus the right of
the mother, the sister, or partner, have been brought into the ambit of the
aggrieved person.
important proviso is that the wife cannot be prosecuted under this law, but the
wife can register complaints against the female relatives of the respondent if
they too have been perpetrators of violence. While welcoming the positive
aspects, AIDWA would like to point out the lacunae that will detract from the
effective implementation of the legislation at the ground level. The appointment
of the “protection officers” mandated under this bill can prove to be
counterproductive. In AIDWA’s long experience, appointing intermediaries leads
to bureaucratic delays, increases the scope for corruption as well as
gender-biased counseling. Hence this should not be made compulsory, but could be
left to the discretion of the Magistrate. The
restriction on “service providers” having to be registered organisations
excludes other committed social organisations, communities or individuals from
providing support. This provision is also open to misuse by the police. We urge
the government to reconsider and modify these two clauses. The bill should be
passed in this session of parliament. AIDWA calls on all sections of society to
come forward to support the bill, and more importantly ensure its effective and
widespread implementation.
writer is general secretary of AIDWA)