Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
No. 46 November 13, 2005 |
Chennai To Host Cuba Solidarity International Conference
THE Reception Committee for hosting the ‘Third International Cuba Solidarity Conference of the Asia Pacific Region’ was formed in a meeting held on November 2 at Chennai. The conference would be held in Chennai on January 20-21, 2006.
Chaired by Vijayaraghavan, MP and convenor of All India Cuban Solidarity Committee, the meeting for formation of reception committee was addressed among others by M A Baby, T K Rengarajan and W R Varadarajan, central committee members of the CPI(M), Rajmohan, state executive member of the CPI and G Ramakrishnan, state secretariat member of the CPI(M). N Varadarajan, state secretary of the CPI(M) was also present.
The speakers elaborated the content and purpose of the proposed international gathering. They noted that this conference would be held in the backdrop of the imperialist US stepping up the intimidation against the socialist Cuba through a regime of illegal sanctions. They pointed out that this intimidation and pressure on Cuba continued from the day the Cuban Revolution triumphed.
Inspired by Cuba and its revolutionary leader Fidel Castro, the entire Latin America and Caribbean region has become a center for anti-imperialist resistance. Particularly, the turn of the century had seen in those countries, many an election throwing up new leaders who openly defy the US diktats. This had further infuriated the American anger against Cuba resulting in fresh sanctions and overt and covert threats against socialist Cuba and its people. Missionaries and religious preachers abetted by the Bush regime are giving sermons to conduct the murder of leaders like Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez. Such is their desperation, noted the speakers.
It is an open secret that but for the Iraq imbroglio the American military operations would have turned towards these countries. The American strategists are only timing their action, if not today it will be the tomorrow. The eternal vigilance of the forces of democracy, peace and socialism all over the world is the need of the hour. They asserted that this international conference would further such a cause and create awareness in the Indian sub-continent about the significance of expressing solidarity with Cuba.
The two days conference will begin with an inaugural session on January 20, which will be attended by about 50 foreign delegates from 15 countries in the Asia-Pacific region, about 125 delegates representing various walks of life from India, the patrons of the reception committee and invited guests. After this, there will be a delegate session to finalise the conference declaration. On the concluding day on January 21 a huge public reception will be organised at the Raja Annamalai Hall, Esplanade, Chennai.
The leaders of all political parties in the state will be approached and they will be associated as patrons of the Reception Committee in this historic anti-imperialist programme. N Ram, the editor-in-chief of The Hindu had kindly consented to be the chairman of the Reception Committee. G Ramakrishnan and Rajmohan will be the joint conveners and A Arumuga Nainar will be the treasurer of the committee. Various worthwhile suggestions which came from the participants in the meeting would be taken into consideration while hosting the conference, said G Ramakrishnan. The committee will soon be made more broad-based, giving representation to the leaders of mass and class organisations and eminent people from all walks of life. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks by Vijayaraghavan, the chairman of the meeting, who called upon all peace-loving and democratic-minded people to support and make this Cuba solidarity international conference a grand success. (INN)