Organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist)
No. 49 December 04, 2005 |
The All India Democratic Women’s Association (AIDWA) president Subhashini Ali and general secretary Sudha Sundararaman have issued the following statement on November 18, 2005.
has been highlighted in media today (November 18, 2005) that the RSS leader
Sudarshan, at a book release ceremony in Delhi, referred to the 2001 Census data
as showing a decline in Hindu population in certain states, including those in
the north east and on the basis of this distorted interpretation of Census data
urged upon Hindus the ‘sacred’ duty of rejecting the two-child norm being
pushed by the government of India and of contributing to the cause of
maintaining a Hindu majority in the country.
only has Sudarshan been totally regardless of the fact that the question of
reproductive choice has something to do with a
woman’s right over her body, her well-being and health and her economic
capacity to provide for her children, and that she cannot be seen as a
reproductive machine serving the Hindu Nationalist agenda, at the same time, he
has deliberately confused the rate of population growth
with population strength to promote communal paranoia in the psyche of
the Hindu majority, fanning the fear of being swamped by religious minorities in
the coming years. For quite some
time now the false arithmetic about Muslims producing more children because they
have legal sanction to marry more than once has been flaunted by the likes of
Sudarshan, in spite of the statistically established fact that the percentage of
polygamous Hindus, if anything, is slightly higher than the percentage of
polygamous Muslims in our country. Now
this mischievous propaganda will not only help to fan communal hatred, but the
Hindu woman not able to produce the desired number of children (Sudarshan does
not actually say “sons” but may very well have done so),
will be seen as not having fulfilled her duty towards her community.
which Hindus is Sudarshan talking about? Is
it about urban affluent Hindus who have accepted the small family norms?
Does he not know that whether Hindus or Muslims, the size of the family
is determined by comparative affluence, access to education and other basic
civil rights and not by which community one belongs to?
If he was at all thinking about the millions of economically deprived,
caste-oppressed, hunger ridden ‘Hindus’ who have no access to the basic
necessities of life and are no different from the poor of other communities in
that respect, he would not be raising the slogan of bigger families, but would
be talking about the need to provide them with the basic necessities of life.
But as it is, his unconcern for them is quite blatant.
We therefore strongly condemn the stand taken by him and denounce the
agenda of hatred that underlies it.