People's Democracy
(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of India
26, 200
This Eagerness to Become Subordinate Ally
THE recent
visit by the US
secretary of state, Ms Hillary Clinton, has
yielded substantial gains for US
imperialism in roping in India
as its subordinate ally. India's
External Affairs minister in a statement made in both the houses of
has said: �We have also agreed on a new bilateral dialogue architecture
which we will continue discussions between our two countries on a wide
range of
The text of
the two major agreements concluded
during this visit clearly shows that the new architecture is, indeed, a
wide canvas which directly impinges upon India's political and
sovereignty as well as its independent foreign policy.
However, there is nothing bilateral about
this architecture. It is a plain and simple unilateral imposition of an
by US
imperialism and a willing surrender by this UPA-2 government.
In fact,
prior to the visit, the mainstream
media in the USA
as well as many statements by the representatives of the Obama
had given a clear indication of what they expected from this visit.
senior US officials
had said
that the USA
expected India to
sign an agreement facilitating the sale
of sophisticated US
arms. Commentators in the USA
had said that such a deal would be �a tangible accomplishment of
Clinton's first trip to India
as US
secretary of state and it could prove a boon to US companies such as
Martin Corporation and Boeing Co.� Both these defence contractors are
in the
running to compete for India's plan to buy 126 multi-role fighter planes which would be one of the largest arms deals
in the world today. Additionally, US
officials estimate that the sale of nuclear reactors as a follow-up of
Indo-US nuclear deal will represent upto $ 10 billion in business for
companies like General Electric and Westinghouse.
In order that
such lucrative deals for the USA
materialise, it was required that India
sign an agreement on �End Use Monitoring�
of US
defence and defence-related equipments. In common parlance, what this
means is
that the USA
has the right to inspect all defence installations where equipment
bought from
its corporations is being used. This means that India's
strategic military installations will now be thrown open to US surveillance, seriously compromising
security concerns and its sovereignty.
It is
well-known that the USA
requires Pakistan
as a very strong and
dependent ally in order to combat the Taliban effectively in the
region. Under
these circumstances, permitting US inspections of our military
is, clearly, not in our national interests.
The New
York Times in an editorial on
July 18 had actually set out the US agenda for the visit of
Clinton and the future road-map for the strategic alliance between the
countries. Apart from urging this
relationship to deepen as this would bring a bonanza for US
corporations in
defence and nuclear commercial deals, it has set out a six-point agenda.
First, it
says, �It is time for India to take
more responsibility internationally. It
needs to do more to revive the world trade talks it helped torpedo last
year.� In other words, India must allow the Doha round of
negotiations in the WTO to proceed
unhindered by diluting its positions on Non Agricultural Market Access
and Agricultural Safeguards. The Doha
round got stuck on these two crucial issues which are life and death
for Indian agriculture and our farmers. Any dilution of our position
would only
mean further ruin of Indian agriculture and the deepening of agrarian
Secondly, �As
a major contributor to global
warming� (sic) India
is urged �to join the developed countries in cutting green house gas
emissions�. We have seen, through these
columns, how
such universal targets applicable to
both the developing and the developed countries is heavily loaded in
favour of
the advanced capitalist countries, who in the first place
are the major contributors for global
warming. India has always taken a position that
the developed world will have to
take a greater share of responsibility in combating climate
change. India can
rescind from this position only at
the peril of the livelihood of
millions of its people.
Thirdly, the
editorial says: �it (India)
needs to do a lot more to constrain its
arms race with Pakistan�.
It says: �Ms Clinton
needs to assure India
that Washington will keep pressing Pakistan to
prosecute suspects linked to the Mumbai attacks
and to shut down the
Lashkar-e-Taiba group of extremists once
and for all.� In return, India
�needs to help allay Pakistan's
fears�. How is this to be done? While Pakistan
is battling with the Taliban, India
and Pakistan
must proceed with �talks on water and environmental issues� as these
�may be an
interim way to seek common ground�. India is being urged to accept the US assurance that it will pressurise Pakistan to dismantle its cross-border
terrorist apparatus rather than satisfy
ourselves. Surely, once again, this is
not in India's
national interest!
Clearly, it
was such US
pressures that resulted in the contradictory positions that emerged in
the joint
statement between prime minister Manmohan Singh and prime minister
Gilani on
the sidelines of the NAM
in Egypt.
Fourthly, India
is being asked �to do a lot
more� in preventing �global proliferation�.
Towards this, the editorial says that the Obama administration
has the
�responsibility to do what president George W Bush
never did: push India to stop producing
weapons fuel rather than waiting for a
multinational treaty to be negotiated.�
In other words, bring India
into the Non Proliferation Architecture by forcing it to sign the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT), the
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) and
the Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty (FMCT). All these treaties are
discriminatory in favour of the five
nuclear weapon countries and imposes unequal obligations on the others.
This is
the reason why India
continues to not endorse these treaties.
Any reversal of this position will seriously undermine India's
clearly exposing the fact articulated
by us in our opposition to the Indo-US
nuclear deal on the grounds of it severely compromising our independent
policy, the NYT editorial says: �During the negotiations on the
deal, the Bush administration managed to
persuade New Delhi to grudgingly support United Nations Security Council
sanctions against Iran's
nuclear programmes. India
now needs
to do more.�
Sixthly, it
says: �India
wants to be seen as a major
world power. For that to happen, it will have to drop its pretensions
nonalignment and stake out strong and constructive positions. President
and Mrs Clinton say they consider India a vital partner in
building a
stable world. Now they have to encourage India to behave like one.�
India, thus, is
being asked
to jettison its independent foreign policy. It has already done this to
extent on the Iran
under US
pressure. Unfortunately, for India, the Manmohan Singh government
seems to be
jettisoning our independent positions on vital issues affecting the
and future of our people in order to emerge as a subordinate ally of US
imperialism. The NYT editorial
says: �Prime minister Manmohan Singh and his party have a strong
mandate.....that means it has no excuses not to do more�
(read: the government no longer needs the
Left's support to survive).
On all these
issues that are of vital importance
for the survival of the vast majority of the Indian people and for a
place of
pride for India in
international comity of nations, the Indian people must mount strong
to prevent India
from being
reduced to a subordinate ally of US imperialism in today's