People's Democracy
(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of India
Obama’s West Asia
IT was billed
by the White
House as the most important speech of President Barack Obama after his Cairo address of
2009. But if Obama’s Cairo
speech had generated some expectations in the Arab street, his second
speech on
May 18, 2011 which came in the wake of
the turbulence that has gripped the region, has failed to enthuse the
world. The speech was high on platitudes and had nothing new or
substantive to
say on the region and its myriad problems. The American president waxed
eloquent about the “Arab Spring” describing it as a historic
opportunity to reshape
politics in that part of the world, observing that people in the region
achieved more change in six months than terrorists have been able to do
decades. “We have the chance to show that America
values the dignity of the street vendor in Tunisia
more than the raw power of
a dictator”, the American president said. He, of course, did not
mention that
his administration was hedging its bets, both in Tunisia
and Egypt
till the eleventh hour. The ousted dictators of the two countries were
allies of the West.
On the other
hand, Obama
threatened fire and brimstone against the recalcitrant governments of Libya and Syria, which have generally
following an independent foreign policy. He justified the American led
war on Libya,
saying that Washington
had acted to save innocent lives.
There was no mention of thousands of lives lost and the refugee crisis
triggered by NATO’s war on Libya.
The American president had only mild words of criticism for the
government of Bahrain
has brutally suppressed the pro-democracy. Even that criticism was
tempered by
the observation that the government of Iran
was meddling in the internal affairs of Bahrain and taking
advantage of the
political situation. “We recognise that Iran has tried to take
advantage of
the situation there, and that the Bahraini government has a legitimate
in the rule of law”, said Obama. In his speech, the American president
did not
mention Saudi Arabia
at all
though he had time to mention India,
Brazil and Indonesia,
though these countries are not located in the region. The kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
along with the other pro-American emirates in the region, has
ruthlessly dealt
with political dissent.
emphasised that the US
would continue to pursue its “core interests”
in the region, defining them as “countering terrorism and stopping the
of nuclear weapons; securing the free flow of commerce; and
safeguarding the
security of the region, standing up for Israel’s security and
Arab-Israeli peace”. Among the unmentioned core interests was oil, over
which America
already fought two wars in the region. As far as nuclear proliferation
concerned, successive American presidents stood aside while Israel
accumulated the largest nuclear arsenal in the region. President
efforts to portray the US
“a champion of democracy” in the region will ring hollow as long as it
continues with its support for Israel
and the pro-American authoritarian regimes in the region.
The other
major talking
point of his speech was his call for the resumption of peace talks
between Israel
and the
Palestinians. Obama said that his administration remains solidly
committed to Israel’s
“security”. He said that Israel’s
pre-1967 borders with agreed “land swaps” should be the basis for the
negotiations to set up an independent Palestinian State.
This in effect is a green signal to Israel
that it will be allowed to retain most of its illegal settlements on
the West Bank. According to the
Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, Obama has accepted the
of the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, that peace talks
should be a
gradual process and not time bound. In his speech, the American
president also
referred to Israel
as a “Jewish State”. This has been a long standing demand of the
Israeli right
wing. The million and a half Palestinians living in Israel
fear that such a development
would lead to even more discrimination and eventual expulsion.
The American
also made the demand that the Palestinian side return to negotiating
immediately despite the ongoing illegal settlement activities of the
The Palestinian Authority (PA) had called off the talks after the
government had refused to put a freeze on settlement activity in the West Bank. Obama also called on Hamas to
recognise Israel,
long standing Israeli demand. He preferred to talk about Israeli
being targeted by Palestinians while ignoring Israeli war crimes
defenceless Palestinians. Hamas and Fatah, the two main Palestinian
had recently signed a “unity” agreement, which had come in for strong
from the Israeli government but welcomed internationally. The American
supporting the Israeli government’s stand, was critical of Hamas. “How
can one
negotiate with a party that has shown itself unwilling to recognise
your right
to exist”, Obama said referring to Hamas."In the weeks and months to
Palestinian leaders will have to produce credible answers to that
suggested in his
speech that the contentious issues of the “right of return” for
refugees and Jerusalem,
be put on the back burner. More galling for the Palestinians was the
American president’s
criticism of their efforts to get their statehood recognised in the UN
Assembly later in the year and his insistence that a future Palestinian State
should be “non-militarised”. The overwhelming number of member states
in the
UN, including close European allies of the US
have indicated that they will
support the move to recognise an independent State of Palestine. The
concept of
a sovereign state without the right of self-defence, as Obama has
suggested in
his speech, is a demeaning proposal, coming as it did before formal
negotiations with Israel
had resumed.
Despite the
tilt in the American president’s speech, the government in Tel Aviv was
happy. Netanyahu was particularly unhappy with Obama’s emphasis on the
borders as the starting point for negotiations for a Palestinian State.
“The dream of a Jewish and democratic State cannot be fulfilled with
occupation”, Obama had said in his speech. Netanyahu has been
repeatedly saying
that the 1967 borders do not provide security for the Jewish State and
that the
international community should recognise the new facts on the ground.
viability of a Palestinian State should not come at the expense of Israel’s existence”, Netanyahu said in
statement issued just before he flew to Washington
for talks with the American president. He again reiterated this point
at a
joint press conference with the American president on May 20. He said
that Israel
go back to the 1967 borders “as they don’t take into account certain
that have taken place on the ground”. The Israeli prime minister’s
uncompromising posture got immediate support from right wing American
Congressmen and political commentators.
Obama is up
re-election in two years time. He has not summoned the political
courage needed
to challenge the influential Jewish lobby in American politics.
Instead, he is
going hat in hand, to seek their support. A couple of days after
delivering his
West Asia speech, the president spoke
at the
annual convention of the main Jewish lobbying group --- the American
Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). He reassured AIPAC that his
remains solidly committed to Israel
and that the bonds between the two countries are “unbreakable”. He said
that he
had said “nothing particularly original” in his latest speech on West
Asia and
that Israel’s “security interests” continued to be the of the highest
for Washington.
Obama’s close
aides have
told the American media that they don’t expect any positive movement
forward in
the peace process as long as Netanyahu is at the helm of affairs in Israel.
Obama had
said in his speech that one of his goals is “to save Israel
from itself”, warning that
perpetual occupation of Palestinian land will be counter-productive.
status quo is unsustainable and Israel
too must act boldly to advance a lasting peace”. He mentioned
imbalance, new military technology and the democracy surge in the Arab
as cautionary factors for the Israeli government. The unresolved issue
of Palestine
remains central
to the Arab psyche. Richard Falk, the internationally reputed jurist
currently a UN Special Rapporteur on Palestinian Human Rights, said
that the
Obama speech only serves to underline the one sided approach of the US
administration to the Israel/Palestine conflict. He wrote that the
approach was “deeply flawed, and a barrier than a gateway to a just and
sustainable peace”.
No wonder
that the latest
Obama speech has even fewer takers than his Cairo speech. The new
government in
Egypt has already toughened its stance on Israel and is positioning
itself to
once again play a pivotal role in the peace talks. A recent opinion
poll showed
that only one in five Egyptian wanted close relations with the US.
Obama in his
speech pledged $1 billion in annual debt relief to Egypt. But his close
advisers have told the media that Washington could have a rethink on
subject if the Muslim Brothers play a big role in the democratically
government that will be taking over.
Obama in his
speech also
claimed that his policies have made both Iraq and Afghanistan safer
places. In
Iraq, Obama saw a “Multi-ethnic and multi-sectarian democracy”
despite almost daily incidents of sectarian violence and suicide
bombings. In
Afghanistan, he said that the American forces have “broken the
momentum”. In recent months, the Taliban have escalated their attacks
all over
Afghanistan. Obama said that the US would “not tolerate aggression
across the
borders”. The US itself had invaded two countries in the last decade.
its closest ally, has shown no respect for the borders of its
countries. Saudi Arabia sent troops in March this year to help quell
peaceful civilian protests in Bahrain. Obama’s speech was full of
contradictions and in a way exposed the duplicity inherent in American
towards the Arab world.