People's Democracy
(Weekly Organ of the Communist Party of India
22, 2012
Resolution on Palestine
This 20th
Congress of the
CPI(M) condemns Israel’s
continuing occupation of Palestinian territories in complete violation
international law and many United Nations resolutions.
The brutal siege of Gaza,
arbitrary arrests and the detention of thousands of Palestinians in
West Bank
and Israel without
trials, targeted
assassinations etc show Israel’s
total contempt for international law. The Zionist government has been
fully backed
and supported by the US
government in all its illegal actions. Indeed, the utter duplicity of
the US was seen in
its opposition to the recognition
of Palestine
a full-fledged member of the United Nations although such a demand has
widespread support.
The West Bank has been broken up into small cantons,
separated from each
other by settler-only roads and numerous checkpoints. The Occupation is
tightening its grip on Jerusalem,
Palestinian houses, enlarging Israeli settlements thereby seeking to
change the
demography of Jerusalem.
The “peace process” is now virtually dead, with Israel
continuing to expand its
settlements in Palestinian territories.
The Indian
people have
always supported the Palestinian cause and opposed the illegal
occupation of Palestine.
India was among the
first non-Arab nations to
recognise the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) as the sole
representative of the Palestinian people in 1974, and was the first
country to recognise Palestine
as an independent State in 1988. India
has always opposed the continued illegal occupation of West Bank and Gaza.
While this
remains the
official position of the Government of India, first under the BJP-led
NDA government
and subsequently the two UPA governments, India
has also built close security and military ties with Israel.
is now the largest buyer of arms from Israel and buys more than
even the
Israeli armed forces. India's launching Israeli spy satellites and
research with Israel on missiles and drones must be seen against the
of the targeted assassinations that Israel routinely carries out using
drones and spy satellites. All this makes India
complicit in Israel’s
occupation of Palestine,
in contradiction to its avowed policy of support to the Palestinian
cause. It
also damages India’s
relations with other countries in the region.
The 20th Congress demands
the following:
end to the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine and all other
occupied territories
immediate lifting of the inhuman siege of Gaza
Right of Return for all Palestinians
dismantling of the Apartheid Wall and all
illegal settlements on the West Bank
to stop its
brutal denial of basic democratic rights to its Arab population
release of all Palestinian political
20th Congress calls upon the Indian government to return
to its position of genuine support to the Palestinian cause, and break
military and security ties with Israel.
The 20th Congress gives a clarion call for building a strong
movement in support of the Palestinian people.